Customizing a semester class schedule template in Excel

november 15, 2023

This free semester calendar template is an awesome way to keep your class schedule organized! It takes just a few moments to set up, and will make managing your busy schedule even easier. I have a few tips for creating a schedule that's functional, easy to use, and pleasing to look at.

With a mix of virtual and in person learning, it's crucial to stay on top of where your classes actually are. The first thing I want to customize in this class schedule template is adding a column onto the “Class list” tab for the location of each class. I'm going to select that column and then right-click and select the Insert option to add a column to the left of it. From here we can label it “Location” and add in that information.

Another way we can customize this Excel class schedule template is with some conditional formatting on the “Deadlines” tab, so we can easily see when a deadline is coming up. Whether it's homework, a presentation, a test, or any milestone in between, having a clear understanding of upcoming deadlines helps me know what's due when. We'll use conditional formatting to create e visual indication of how to prioritize work and effort.

Highlight the “Due date” column, and on the Home ribbon select Conditional Formatting. From here we can use the Highlight Cell Rules option and select a Date Occurring option.

Lastly, we can set up some rules to make items change color when it's due soon. Now any time a deadline falls into the “next week” category in the semester calendar template, it will change color so we know to prioritize it and put it at the top of our list.

Hope you found these tips helpful! Check out more schedules and planning templates at Microsoft Create.