2023: The year to focus on video content

october 24, 2023

With 2022 behind us, it’s time to focus on 2023 & what that means for the video marketing world. I’m going to share a few exclusives, just for you as to what I believe you & your business should be focusing on this year, when it comes to video content marketing.

We’ve seen a huge surge in popularity, with some help from Instagram Reels & TikTok, for brands & businesses jumping on trends. We’ve seen everything from dancing dinosaurs to lip-syncing, and a whole lot of pointing.

You are watching this right now which means you are a business owner or content creator. Right? I really want you to get in and amongst it this year and really keep an eye on what keeps popping up in your feed. By piggy-backing on big Instagram Reels or TikTok trends, you could find yourself going viral very quickly.

2. Short, snappy, and short

Yes, I did say short twice. Why? Because I want to emphasize the importance of keeping your video content clear and concise this year.

We now have a shorter attention span than a goldfish, so you literally have a matter of seconds to convince someone to keep watching your video. Learning to articulate my message on video quickly and effectively has helped me reach so many more people. The easier your video is to digest, the more that viewer will come back.

3. More people will watch videos with their sound off

I am sure you’ve sat scrolling aimlessly down your feed before and not had sound on the videos you are watching.

Whether you do it because you prefer reading subtitles OR you are at work, so you don’t want anyone to know you are watching videos, it is something that more and more of us are doing. Here’s where you come in.

You must ensure that the video content you are putting out online is captioned. There are many tools out there that can assist you with subtitling videos, so there is no excuse any more. Your video content should be accessible to everyone. After all, the more eyeballs you get on your video, the better the results.

4. User- generated content

It’s content that your audience creates for you. Imagine that! Your customers picking up their phone, hitting record, and talking about how amazing your business is.

Well, my friend, you no longer need to imagine.

This happens multiple times a day for many businesses out there and now it is your turn to experience it. The more active you are on your social media pages, the more likely your customers are to engage with you and tag you in things.

If you aren’t getting tagged in video content, don’t panic. Try running a mini competition where you reward customers who send in or tag you in a video about your product or service.

This gets the ball rolling and once the word gets out, you should never have to ask again. Plus, if your business page has a decent following, you might find that your customers get super excited to have their video content shared on your page. It’s kind of like a claim to fame for them.

Promise me that you will jump feet first into this year, armed with a load of video content and a can-do attitude.

Further reading

Ready to make a splash with video? Check out these other articles from our creative pros: