example of a header photo with a woman smiling

How to make a header for X

june 24, 2024

Over the years, X (formerly known as Twitter) has transformed from a micro-blogging site that was all about the words—and what you could say in 140 characters or less—to a platform of visuals, videos, and (now) 280-character tweets. While an established written voice on X/Twitter is still the driving force of popularity on this social site, users can bolster their brand even further with customized profile elements, including the profile header.  

What is an X/Twitter header?

An X/Twitter header is the wide image that spans the top of a user’s profile. It’s also known as a banner image. Along with a profile photo, the header allows you to personalize your X/Twitter page and give your visitors additional context into you who are or what your brand is.  

Why create your own X/Twitter header image?

While X/Twitter provides a library of image options you can use as a profile header, creating your own custom design gives you the ultimate control over the aesthetic of your account. When you make your header, you can add branded touches, customize the colors, and add text. Plus, it gives your profile a more polished and professional look. 

How to design an aesthetic X/Twitter header

Whether you are an influencer, a brand marketer, a journalist, or a simply creating a personal X/Twitter account, you want your header to reflect who you are. It may sound daunting, but it’s easier than you think to capture your aesthetic. 

Start with an X/Twitter header template  

Templates are a great starting point for anyone designing an X/Twitter header. With a customizable template, you get the benefit of a professionally designed layout and the ability to swap out various elements to your liking.  

Customize with your own designs

After you find a header template design that you like, it’s time to edit it to match your aesthetic. Edit the colors to fit your brand and add in your logo, graphics, or other images that convey what your X/Twitter page is all about. Get creative with patterns, fonts, shapes, and more until you love your design.  

If you are active on other social media site or have a website, it’s a good idea to use consistent branding across various platforms. This makes it easier for your followers or customers to quickly recognize you while creating a cohesive and professional look for your online presence and personal branding.  

Save and publish your X/Twitter profile header

When you’re finished, save and download your image. Save your file as a JPG, PNG, or GIF. Keep in mind that X/Twitter doesn’t support animated GIFs for header images. 

Aesthetic X/Twitter header tips

Follow these tips as you design your custom X/Twitter profile header.  

X/Twitter header size  

According to X/Twitter, the recommended dimensions for a profile banner image are 1,500 x 500 pixels. However, headers images may be automatically cropped on certain screens and displays. Because of this, it’s a good idea to center important text and images and leave room around the top and bottom edges in case they are cut off. The setup of X/Twitter profile pages also results in some overlap of the profile picture on top of the header in the bottom left corner. Try not to feature any important elements in that area as it may be covered up. 

Text and font  

Remember that many people may view your X/Twitter header on a phone, so you’ll want to use a font and text size that is clean and easily readable when scaled down. Don’t overwhelm your header with copy. Instead, stick to just a few words, such as your name or brand name, and potentially a motto or slogan.  

Graphics, images, and logos 

Your X/Twitter header is a like a canvas you can fill with whatever you want. Using a banner template is a great way to work with an initial design, but what really brings it to life are the personal touches you add—whether that’s inserting your brand colors, making a pattern out of your logo, or even adding a screenshot of one of your favorite tweets. Don’t be afraid to experiment with visuals and try new designs. 

Get your game on with a custom Twitch profile banner

It’s true that words matter on X/Twitter, but as they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. When it comes to your X/Twitter profile header, that couldn’t be truer. Your header is a visual opportunity to draw in followers and get them intrigued by your content. With a professional-looking, beautifully designed X/Twitter header, you’ll be on your way to more retweets, likes, and follows.