Prioritize mental health with these templates

Your mind is one of the most important parts of you, yet it can be easy to ignore what it needs. These templates will help you stay focused on staying balanced, happy, and fulfilled throughout life's ups and downs, and help you remain hopeful and spread mental health awareness beyond your own head.

A social media template that says "Mental health awareness," surrounded by 3D elements

Make time for mental health with these templates

Everyone can use a little help with their mental health sometimes. Explore these templates from Microsoft Designer to find new tools for keeping your mental health on track and sharing your experiences and knowledge about your mental health journey. From daily journaling and mood tracking to creating social media posts and Tik Toks about your coping strategies, you’ll find the template you need to reflect your needs and share your reflections. If you’re a therapist or solo practitioner, explore invoicing templates for easier billing solutions so you can spend more time on the people-centered part of your work. Being able to talk openly about mental health can be literally life-saving, and these templates make it easier to tell your story.