Šablóny časových výkazov
Majte vo veciach poriadok a veďte si evidenciu svojej práce pomocou týchto bezplatných šablón časových výkazov. Alebo ak spravujete zamestnancov, jednoducho veďte evidenciu ich pracovného času, aby ste mohli vydávať presné a efektívne výplatné listiny.

Bezplatné šablóny časového výkazu pre zamestnancov a zamestnávateľov
Timesheets can help employees (or employers) track productivity, bill clients, and follow labor laws, and these timesheet templates are great for any type of business, like restaurants, retail stores, marketing agencies, tech companies, and really any company or organization.
These timesheet templates can help you track your work on a daily, weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis. Timesheets can help keep track not just of working hours, but of vacation and sick days, too, so these templates are perfect for both hourly and salaried employees.
Each timesheet template is fully editable (most timesheet templates are Microsoft Excel files) so you can change the text and font, add your company logo, update to your brand colors, and more. To organize and streamline your timesheets, consider uploading your timesheets to OneDrive. That way, you can edit your timesheets from anywhere and share them with your manager or your clients. You can even download and print these free timesheets from anywhere. Want more templates for keeping your business organized? Explore more planners and trackers.