Video post and graphic design templates
Video virality is in reach when you produce your moving picture posts with customizable templates. From adding graphics and backgrounds to your videos to creating eye-catching video posts, find customizable templates for all your video projects and needs.

Enhance your videos with customizable templates
You don't have to be a seasoned video editor to create engaging content—use templates to create high-quality videos in Clipchamp. Discover professional video templates to produce Instagram stories, TikTok ads, or short videos. Video templates are available in a variety of styles, such as retro video templates, pastel video templates, or vintage video templates to suit your personal content or brand. Using video templates helps creators save time and produce content faster. Each fully customizable video template allows you to change the text, fonts, and more to create videos that are authentic to you. Once you're done making changes to the template, you can publish your video anywhere. Video templates are perfect for brands, personal videos, or special occasions. Discover birthday video templates, promotional video templates to share new products, or find the perfect Instagram story template to announce a new post. YouTube outro templates are widely used to thank your followers for watching your content and remind them to subscribe to your channel.