Financial calculator templates to help add things up
Make math easier with these free calculator templates. From calculating loan pay off times, to figuring out rent comparisons, to tabulating charitable contributions, there are templates for any type of calculation that you need.

Free Excel calculator templates to subtract stress from your life
If you do the math, you'll figure out that these customizable calculator templates will save you lots of time, pencils and paper, and head scratching. These calculator templates can help you with your mortgage, loans, budgeting, and more. Use mortgage calculator templates to figure out when you can pay off your loans or use budget calculator templates to help you save money. Even track and calculate charitable gifts and donations, investments, net worth, or student loans. These stylish Microsoft Excel calculator templates are easy to use, even if you’re not an Excel expert, and they're perfect for business or personal use. All templates have pre-loaded formulas, so you can simply type in the numbers and let the calculator template do all of the hard work for you. Even make the calculator look just how you want by editing the text, spreadsheet colors, and more—they're all fully customizable. Download and share them online or via email or print them out once you’re done editing. If you’re collaborating on your calculator template with other people, consider uploading it to OneDrive and sharing the link so everyone can easily edit and contribute to the calculator.