Your all-in-one video studio

Whether you know exactly what type of video you want to make, or want to start with a template for inspiration, Clipchamp empowers anyone to create professional-looking videos quickly and easily. Open up a new visual world for you or your brand with this simple yet powerful video-making experience.

Dynamic templates

Get started on your videos right away, with easy-to-use templates, as well as our extensive library of royalty-free content. Add graphics, effects and filters to put your own spin or your creations, and upload straight to TikTok, YouTube and other social platforms.

Explore video templates
A joyful holiday video template surrounded by illustrated design elements

Intuitive AI

Our innovative AI technology can turn text into speech, provide auto captioning for your videos, and coach you to becoming a better speaker — all working to streamline your creative process.

Explore video templates
The text to speech panel in Clipchamp, surrounded by illustrated design elements

Quick and easy tools

Instantly access tools for trimming, cropping, and speed control, plus professional features like filters, transitions, and even green screen.

Explore video templates
Clipchamp's video editing tools with a cute video of stars, clouds, and rainbows with adorable cartoon faces

How it works

Be inspired to create professional-looking videos quickly and easily with Clipchamp.

The add video panel in Clipchamp with an example landscape sunset video
1. Choose your content
Select a template from our extensive library, and then upload or screen record your own content to further personalize your video.
Transitions, music, and video editing tools in Clipchamp applied to a landscape sunset video
2. Customize your creation
Use helpful tools to edit, trim and crop your video, before adding filters, transitions, text, and effects.
Export options in Clipchamp for a landscape sunset video
3. Share it with the world
When you're done, you can resize your video to best suit your chosen social platform. Save your creation, and easily export it from Clipchamp.

Kickstart your creativity with Clipchamp

Tanya jawab umum

Clipchamp is an online video editor designed to make video creation easy for everyone, even for those with no prior video making or editing experience. All you need to use Clipchamp is a desktop or laptop computer with Google Chrome or the latest version of Microsoft Edge installed and an internet connection. All Microsoft Clipchamp users require a Microsoft account to log in. For Windows 11 users, this creates a seamless experience while using Clipchamp alongside other offerings that utilize your Microsoft account, like OneDrive.
Our mobile app is currently available for free on iOS devices. The Clipchamp app lets you record and edit videos, make use of templates, and most importantly, it includes automated voice recognition and subtitling. This is particularly useful for the quick creation of professional-looking mobile videos shared through social media, where many viewers watch clips with sound disabled by default.
You can quickly and easily personalize our wide range of Clipchamp templates to suit your content by adding your own footage, images, music, text, branding, and more. To swap out stock footage, simply drag and drop a stock video or your own footage over another video on the timeline. If you would like to edit the text on your template, click on the text box on the timeline. A sidebar will appear on the right side of the editor. Click on the text tab to edit your text, font, and alignment. You can also drag and drop your own music, as well as inserting your brand kit and logo into any of the premade templates for ultimate personalization.

Get more info and answers at Clipchamp support.

Craft the video you need with Clipchamp templates

Baik Anda seorang pembuat video pemula atau ahli media sosial berpengalaman, templat Clipchamp yang dapat disesuaikan menawarkan sesuatu untuk semua orang yang pernah menekan tombol rekam. Unggah cuplikan Anda dengan mudah dan bahkan tambahkan detail seperti warna dan font merek untuk diterapkan ke pembuatan video terbaru. Templat ini tidak hanya membantu Anda mengatur konten dan memberikan tampilan profesional yang mudah, namun juga dapat menginspirasi proyek video baru dan cara memikat audiens Anda. Gunakan alat bawaan Clipchamp untuk memangkas dan membuat transisi dari momen ke momen, mulai dari TikTok dan YouTube hingga sorotan acara. Jika Anda baru merasa nyaman di depan kamera, lihat tips dari influencer Harrison Cantel ini tentang cara agar merasa lebih siap di depan kamera. Jika Anda baru pertama kali menggunakan kamera, kiat perekaman ini akan berguna. Pikirkan juga cara menyusun pesan untuk menarik perhatian audiens dan memberi kesan yang membekas. Apa pun proyek yang sedang Anda kerjakan, templat Clipchamp memberi Anda kesempatan untuk menyempurnakan pendekatan Anda terhadap konten video.