進階版 PowerPoint presentation

Tech brochure

If you need to design a brochure, you can use this template to get you going in the right direction. You can use it as is or choose to customize it with your own images, fonts, and color choices. This template is helpful, too. Its step-by-step instructions makes sure that designing a brochure can be done easily and, best of all when time is a factor, quickly. This is an accessible template.

  • 100% 完全可自訂的範本

  • 輕鬆變更文字、影像及其他

  • 使用數千張相片、圖形和字型發揮創意

  • 以動畫、轉場或影片讓追蹤者眼花撩亂

  • 隨時隨地快速共用和發佈