Töölevõtmise ja värbamise mallid uute töötajate kaasamiseks
Tasuta töölevõtmise ja värbamise mallid aitavad teil leida järgmise staartöötaja. Need mallid on professionaalselt kujundatud, tootjakohandusega hõlpsalt kohandatavad ning sobivad mitmesuguste sektorite ja ametikohtade jaoks.
Tasuta töölevõtmise ja värbamise mallid
If you need to hire new employees, these free hiring templates can help you and your business spread the word and attract more qualified job applicants. Share these free hiring templates as an ad on social media or print out posters and flyers to display in your store. All of these recruitment templates are easily customizable, so you can change the text and use your brand font, update the images and add your logo, and swap out the photos as you see fit. (Tip: A hiring ad or poster that simply says, “Now hiring!” isn’t very helpful, so be sure to include details like the job title, qualifications, and where the potential employee can apply.) Whether you're at a startup, a small business, or a large corporation, these hiring templates are perfect for any business size. Want more? Explore more templates that can help you grow your business.