Event feedback survey

Event feedback survey blue

Learn what participants thought about an event with an event survey. It's easy to fit survey creation into your event planning tasks with Microsoft Forms. Gauge areas of success and mark what needs improvement for your event by collecting customer input around time, location, content, speakers, and so on. Microsoft Forms offers sample event survey questions and built-in design options, so your survey will look as good as it performs. This survey template is adaptable and may be used before, after, or even during an event. Monitor results in real-time and see actionable data with Forms built-in analysis tools.

  • 100% täielikult kohandatav mall

  • Tekstide, piltide ja muu sisu hõlbus redigeerimine

  • Jagage oma loomingulisust tuhandete fotode, graafika ja fontidega

  • Avaldage jälgijatele muljet animatsioonide, üleminekute või videotega

  • Kiire jagamine ja avaldamine kõikjal