Eighties business cards
Express your style and use a business cards template to create unique, custom business cards for your personal brand, business, and more. A template for business card creation is an easy way to make professional-quality cards. This template features a whimsical design and is ready for you to add your information. Want to change any elements, like fonts or colors? Word makes that easy too. Make a business card as individual as you are with a business card template from Microsoft.
100% täielikult kohandatav mall
Tekstide, piltide ja muu sisu hõlbus redigeerimine
Jagage oma loomingulisust tuhandete fotode, graafika ja fontidega
Avaldage jälgijatele muljet animatsioonide, üleminekute või videotega
Kiire jagamine ja avaldamine kõikjal