Website feedback survey

Website feedback survey blue

Market research is a critical element for any business. Get valuable insights and data you can leverage to improve with a website feedback survey. Microsoft Forms helps you make feedback forms you can prepare and distribute online with an easy-to-use interface and built-in statistical tools. This template survey for companies looking for data on website use comes with suggestions for questions and built-in design. It is easy to modify for your business scenario.

  • 100% popolnoma prilagodljiva predloga

  • Preprosto spremenite besedilo, slike in še več

  • Bodite ustvarjalni z več tisoč fotografijami, grafikami in pisavami

  • Pričarajte blišč sledilcem z animacijami, prehodi in videoposnetki

  • Hitro delite in objavljajte kjer koli