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Scrapbooking is still a popular hobby that help celebrate and preserve your cherished memories. They make great gifts and can be passed down for generations. Sometimes coming up with fresh layouts for scrapbooks can be daunting, but these templates can help make it easier, plus all scrapbook templates are fully customizable, so you can change the images, text, colors, design elements, layout, size, and more. Depending on the template you choose, you can use Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, or other Microsoft 365 apps to personalize your scrapbook and make it unique.
You can use these scrapbook templates to create a digital scrapbook, or if you’re looking for a traditional scrapbooking experience, you can print your template for free.
You can even make your scrapbook collaborative. To work on a scrapbook with friends or family, consider uploading it to OneDrive, then share the link with your loved ones so you can work on the scrapbook together. Explore more templates that you can use to show off your interests and hobbies.