Let's dive into your content strategy for your business on TikTok and what you're trying to achieve. Ask yourself, "What's the goal that I want to achieve with this TikTok post? Am I trying to be educational, inspirational, relatable, or promotional?"
For example:
- If your goal is to teach customers how to use your product, the purpose of your content is educational.
- If you're trying to share some before and after shots from clients, that's an inspirational post.
- Are there common struggles your customers go through that you can share with them? That is a relatable post.
- Do you have any upcoming sales? That's an example of a promotional post.
When thinking of creating content, making sure you have a clear understanding of what you're trying to achieve is going to ensure you hit the right target.
When it comes to social media, people are looking to build connections, and on TikTok, users feel like they can be more themselves. They also expect brands to be more personable and relatable. This means ditching the sales talk and supplying more value-added content. How can you do this?
Let's pretend you own a small skincare company. Here are a few examples of content you can create based on your goals:
Educational content | Tutorials, how-tos, hacks, mistakes to avoid, reasons why, and simple tips you can share with customers. |
Inspirational content | Storytelling about your business, behind the scenes, before and after testimonials, taking viewers on a journey. |
Relatable content | Shared beliefs, situations, or pain points your ideal customers can relate to. |
Promotional content | Product highlights, product launches, sales—this shouldn't take up more than 25% of your overall content. |
When it comes to selling your services or products on TikTok, think about the solutions your business can bring to people. Think about the four content purposes—educational, inspirational, relatable, and promotional—and what examples you can bring back to your business and the ideal customers you're trying to target.
Create eye-catching content for TikTok in minutes
Check out these beautiful TikTok video templates from Microsoft Create. Start with a template and make it your own, no design or video editing experience needed.