PowerPoint presentation
Magazine layout
Creating a magazine for your company, club, or passion isn’t as hard as it seems when you use a magazine template in Word. With its adaptable design, this Microsoft Word magazine template is ideal for any subject, from architecture to fashion to cooking and everything in between. The magazine template in Word includes a table of contents, masthead, and several slides for feature articles. Insert photos, footers, pull quotes, or call outs to add color to your stories. You can also use this magazine article template in Word to layout a single article—just delete the slides you don’t need. This is an accessible template.
100% mukautettava malli
Muuta tekstiä, kuvia ja muuta helposti
Luovuutta tuhansilla valokuvilla, grafiikoilla ja fonteilla
Häikäise seuraajat animaatioiden, siirtymien tai videoiden avulla
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